Thursday, July 07, 2005

Like I said...

I will post every day if possible. The only problem is that I have no idea what to post about, so instead of a well thought out, coherent post, I will ramble aimlessly.

The one thing I can think of talking about is why I am posting songs of the day. I do it because Punk is one thing that I know. Currently, my music playlist is over 80 hours. That's my playlist, not my collection. I've decided to try my best to post songs that can be downloaded for free legally off of official websites (either band or record label. The song of the day today is Unstoppable by Death By Stereo.
MP3 Download

I guess I'll start rambling about my summer...oh wait, I haven't done much. I went to Syracuse, NY for the NACURH 2005 Conference. I've been to a few small concerts, a bunch of local bands that are actually pretty cool. Otherwise, I've been hanging out with friends or wasting time in front of a CRT or 3.

I am trying to learn some real web design, beyond the basic links, images and formatting, and hopefully I'll pick that up pretty quick. I spend way too much time trying to have conversations over IM, so if you have my screen name, please feel free to IM me if I am here. It is always greatly appreciated.

This is a random link to something I found. Click if you dare

Comments are appreciated, and no registration is required.


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